Greenfield is a small city of approximately 20,000 that is growing fast. This means that although we have a limited population for our fellowship to draw from, the original need for the Club's creation grows monthly. Anyone that has an interest or desire to stop drinking is welcome in our Club and coffee shop and may attend any meeting (subject to the guidelines of the individual meeting). There is no requirement to be a member of this Club. In truth, the rent collected from meetings and workshops and revenue from our coffee shop seldom meets the monthly rent, utilities, insurance, supplies, etc. that it takes to maintain our Club. Even though we have no paid employees (all Club activities are handled by the Board of Trustees or volunteers) these expenses are still there. Member's dues are the very backbone of the Club's existence. They help make it possible to provide space, events and fellowship for so many people in recovery. By becoming a member and renewing your membership you are engaging in service work. You are helping to carry the message to alcoholics and freely giving back some of what you have received. All members receive a Club Coffee Mug, and may attend any membership meeting and vote on any issue on the agenda.
(From the Bylaws of the Way Out Club, Inc)
Section 1. Membership Any person who is in sympathy with the philosophy and objectives of Alcoholics Anonymous shall be eligible for membership in the Club upon completing a membership form and payment of dues. Active members shall be those persons whose dues are currently paid. Any person whose dues are 60 days or more in arrears shall be considered an inactive member until such time as dues are paid. Article III. DUES Individual dues are $ 100.00 annually or $ 10.00 per month. Family membership dues are $ 150.00 annually of $ 15.00 per month. Membership dues may be raised or lowered at a regular or special meeting of the membership of the Club with the approval of a majority of the active members in attendance.